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The Buck Stays Here pop-up events held to boost local business

Chesapeake Bank once again partnered with Mathews Economic Development Authority, Mathews Visitor Center, Main Street Preservation Trust, Gloucester Main Street Association, Gloucester County Chamber of Commerce, and Xtra 99.1FM to infuse $28,000 into the local community.

Together, the partners sponsored $50 Visa gift cards, which they sold for only $25 throughout various “The Buck Stays Here” pop-up events in the Middle Peninsula. The goal of each event was to encourage and incentivize consumers to support locally owned and operated businesses, boosting the local economy.

Events were held at Chesapeake Bank in Mathews, The Tabb House Lawn in Gloucester Court House during Main Street Association’s Holiday Open House, and at the Point Shoppes in Gloucester Point. Customers were limited to only two cards per person. Each event sold out in record time.

“We feel that the Boost program gives us an opportunity to support local businesses by helping to expand the buying power of par...

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