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T.C. Walker building to be limited to government agencies

The Gloucester County School Board plans to limit its designated use of the former T.C. Walker School building to government agencies, although community and other groups may apply to rent certain portions of the facility.

Board members discussed potential uses for the building after a tour on Tuesday of the former school, which was shut down in June as a cost-cutting measure and to cope with declining K-5 enrollment. Although the elementary school program at Walker was shuttered, the board wants to make education a continued focus of the building’s function.

Ultimately, the school division administration will occupy much of the building and vacate the county office spaces it now occupies. Gloucester supervisors requested the school administration relocation to free office space needed for county employees.

School administrators and staff will occupy the former administration area, media center and the front two halls of classrooms. Also, the school division technology d...

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