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Supervisors cast unusual split vote on certification of closed session

An unusual occurrence took place at the conclusion of the April 1 meeting of the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors, when one board member abstained from and another voted no to a resolution to reconvene in an open meeting after a closed meeting was held.
During the meeting in the colonial courthouse, a special closed meeting was added to the end of the agenda for discussion of a personnel matter. Normal board procedure is for a resolution to be read aloud stating that the board has finished its closed meeting and desires to continue its open meeting. The vote on this resolution to reconvene in open session is almost always unanimous.
The same resolution also states, “only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting were heard, discussed or considered during the closed meeting, and the only subjects heard, discussed or considered in said closed meeting were the matters identified in the resolution by which it was convened.”
After Gloucester County attorn...

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