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Sign unveiling

Bethel Baptist Church held an unveiling Saturday for the new historical marker celebrating Gloucester’s Bethel Rosenwald School, which served the black community of Sassafras in the days of school segregation. Bethel Rosenwald School alumni Tagie Dedmon Cosby, 103, and 80-year-old Pauline Lemon Paige, from left, reveal the sign with the help of Cosby’s grandsons, Raynard Salaam (far left) and Dwane Salaam (in back, holding tapestry). Cosby was the oldest surviving student and Paige the youngest who were present at the unveiling. The tapestry that was used to cover the sign before the unveiling was given to Dr. Dorothy Cooke, daughter of Cosby, when she visited Africa. The marker can be seen at the old school site on Native American Trail.

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