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Student achievement recognized at meeting

The Gloucester County School Board recognized student achievements at last week’s regular monthly meeting at the T.C. Walker Education Center.

Makai Scatliffe and Angel Guerrero were recognized as Gloucester High School’s seniors of the month for May. Scatliffe has been a member of the GHS football program for the past three years, where he has played as linebacker, defensive end and running back. He is also a two-year member of the wrestling team and placed second in the region and qualified for state competition earlier this school year. In addition to sports, Scatliffe is also a three-year member of GHS NJROTC and volunteers at a local horse ranch.

She has been offered the opportunity to play football and wrestle at Southern Virginia University. He is interested in possibly working as a barber in the future after his two-year stint in the GHS cosmetology program.

Guerrero has been active in NJROTC all four years of high school. In her senior year, she served as the Communi...

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