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STEM-Hawks look to apply math, science to real world

Some exciting things are in store for science and math offerings in the coming year at Thomas Hunter Middle School, according to assistant principal Ken Noonan.
The school’s STEM programs are being restructured, with the science and math departments in the process of integrating Career and Technical Education foundations into the curricula.
The STEM-Hawks (a play on the school’s Seahawks mascot) attempt to apply what’s taught in the classroom into real-world situations. And STEM-Hawks is also the name of the teams that compete under the banner of Thomas Hunter in science, technology and math contests.
The school will be offering new entrepreneurship and robotics classes this year. Karen Lloyd will be teaching the entrepreneurship class, where students work on product design and then turn that product into a business. And Christine Wheeler and Jason Williams are heading up the school’s robotics program.
While students are taught the mandated state Standards of Learning courses in math a...

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