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State, local groups look to save historic Timberneck house

 Discussion recently began between the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, the state Department of Historic Resources, local historical groups and the private sector as to the fate of Gloucester County’s historic Timberneck house.
With the state park in the works and Phase 1 of construction slated to begin in 2019, the structure presents both an opportunity and logistical speedbump for the historic site.
The DCR currently owns the 1810 structure, which is vacant and in need of major repairs if it is to be used as part of the park or as a private venture. It has been on the National Register of Historic Places since 1979.
According to DHR director Julie Langan, who led a tour of the site for local groups on Friday, her counterparts at the DCR would be willing to deed the property or offer a long-term lease to an entity, public or private, that has a sustainable model for saving and using the structure.  
“We’ve got to find a way to save t...

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