Strata Solar, LLC, has sent a 300-page packet of materials about its proposed solar energy facility in Gloucester to the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality.
Kevin Day, vice president of Chapel Hill, North Carolina-based Strata, said that his firm mailed the required application and supporting materials such as comments and letters received at several public meetings to DEQ earlier this month.
DEQ will have 90 days to review the project, Day said, and he anticipates getting approval on the Gloucester application by late March.
Strata has received a Conditional Use Permit from Gloucester County to proceed with its plans to construct a solar farm on a 203-acre tract of land on Route 14 near Toddsbury Lane.
DEQ looks at a variety of technical aspects, including habitat, endangered species and environmental impacts. “There was nothing that should be a red flag” in the packet, Day said.
A site inspection did not find “anything of cultural significance” at th...
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