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Signup deadline approaches for youth soccer

Plans are in the works for youth soccer in Gloucester, with signups currently underway in Gloucester Parks, Recreation and Tourism.

Rugrats, Looney Tunes and Junior soccer programs (for ages 4-11), as well as playtime soccer for ages 3-5, will be held from late February through early May. Seniors soccer (for ages 12-14) will be held mid-March through mid-May. Practices are Tuesdays and Thursdays, with games on Saturdays at Ark and Abingdon parks (possibly some other localities for the older players).

The registration fee is $50 and Sunday is the deadline to register. Volunteer coaches and officials are needed at all levels. Parents are required to participate in the 3-5 league, with the fee for playtime soccer only $30.TRIATHLON: Begin your training now for the first Beaverdam Triathlon, which will be held on Saturday, May 11, for ages 16 and older, beginning at 7 a.m. The race consists of a 2.5-mile run, a 6.1-mile bike and a 1.9-mile paddle. Mountain bikes and recreational can...

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