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Sign up now for Bee Alert to be prepared for hurricanes

As the height of hurricane season approaches, Gloucester’s Emergency Management Coordinator Jane Wenner encourages Gloucester residents to sign up for the county’s new alert system, Bee Alert.

Announced earlier this year, Bee Alert replaced the Code Red service officially on Aug. 29. Those who were signed up for the old service must sign up again for the new one.

Wenner said the Bee Alert system provides those registered alerts for major storms, road closures and other county messages. Staying informed is key to being prepared to leave or hunker down during hurricanes and what they bring. She said people get comfortable this time of year because our area hasn’t seen a hurricane in a good while.

This year’s hurricane season is expected to be more active than normal, said Wenner. She said her and her staff are keeping an eye on the tropics and are anticipating storm systems to come up the coast. By registering with Bee Alert, Gloucester residents can stay informed as tropical s...

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