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Shortt named partner at Consociate Media

Consociate Media has named Amanda Shortt as its newest partner. Shortt has been an Operations Director at the Gloucester-based media, marketing and management firm since August 2020.

“I am thrilled. I just love Consociate Media,” Shortt said. “It’s so important to me to be part of an organization with a team of people who are so talented and care deeply about what they do and who they do it for. It’s an organization that has heart, that’s deeply ingrained in the community and wants everyone in it to be successful.”

Shortt has a hand in overseeing Consociate Media’s expanding national client list that includes nonprofits, municipalities and small businesses. The company also has a philanthropic component in serving many of the businesses it supports, an element that appeals to Shortt, who is a passionate about giving back to her community, a release said.

“Amanda’s heart for service—service to Consociate Media’s team members, service to clients and service to community—is insp...

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