The Mathews County Sheriff’s Office is participating this year for the first time in the national cancer awareness fundraiser “No Shave November.”
Because so many cancer patients lose their hair during treatment, the monthlong campaign encourages participants to “embrace their hair” and grow a beard or a mustache, said Investigator April Edwards, who is the spokesperson for the local initiative. They can also let their legs go natural and skip waxing appointments in order to “evoke conversation and raise cancer awareness,” she said, and the money they save on grooming and shaving can be donated to raise funds for cancer education and research.
Each participating employee must donate $50 in advance to participate in the fundraiser, said Edwards, and they’re encouraged to ask friends and family members to donate additional funds, as well. As an incentive, officers and other employees will compete for prizes in such categories as “Best-Looking Beard” and “Most Donated Funds.”
Edwards said...
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