Three local students received degrees from Virginia Tech during fall commencement ceremonies on Dec. 16. Matthew Rosen of Bena, received a bachelor of science degree in human development, Ryan McGinty of Gloucester, received a bachelor of science degree in biochemistry and Phillip Morgan of Hudgins, received a bachelor of science in business degree in economics.
Carrie Adams, Kristina Blevins, Kristin Deptola, Amanda DiSpirito, Christel Ely, Michael Greeley, Jaclyn Greene, Olivia Handle, Colin McGaw, Rebecca McGaw, Douglas Price, Anthony Revak, Elliott Theuerkauf, Teresa Weaver, Bette White and Alexandra Wright of Gloucester, and Debra Skirvin, Leeann Southworth, Samuel Spadaccini and Kelly Viets of Mathews, were recently inducted into the Alpha Tau Omega chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society at Rappahannock Community College. Students must maintain a grade-point average of 3.5 or better in order to be invited to join the honor society.
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