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School briefs

Christopher D. Feigh of Hayes was named to the fall semester dean’s list at the University of Alabama. The recognition requires a 3.5 or higher grade point average. 

Baylor Towne of Onemo was named to the fall semester dean’s list at the University of Virginia where she is a junior majoring in computer science and music with a minor in Russian. The recognition requires a 3.5 or higher grade point average. She is the daughter of Shawn and Jan Towne.

Shawn Valdrighi was named to the fall semester dean’s list at James Madison University where he is majoring in hospitality management with minors in business and history. The recognition requires a grade point average between 3.5 and 2.899. Valdrighi is the son of Chris and Lisa Valdrighi of Weems and the grandson of Mary Valdrighi of Mathews and the late Ralph Valdrighi. ...

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