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School board makes several personnel appointments

The Gloucester County School Board made a number of personnel appointments at its regular monthly meeting, held Oct. 10 in the T.C. Walker Education Center Auditorium.

Kimberly Bloom of Gloucester was appointed to a special education position at Gloucester High School, effective Oct. 16; Macayla Martinez of Topping was appointed to an English as a Second Language instructor position for the division, effective Oct. 2; Diamond Thomas of Dunnsville was appointed to a security officer position at GHS, effective Oct. 11; Hannah Campbell of Gloucester Point was appointed to a building level substitute position at Peasley Middle School, effective Sept. 1; Kailey Ormsby of Hayes was appointed to a paraprofessional position at Page Middle School, effective Sept. 20; Daniel Haynie of Gloucester was appointed to a custodian position at Abingdon Elementary School, effective Oct. 3; Lucie Sheets of Hayes was appointed to a paraprofessional position at Botetourt Elementary School, effective Oct...

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