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Repair or replace?

Gloucester County and school officials are faced with a dilemma of how much money to put into failing infrastructure at Gloucester High School; especially with the possibility of a new school or a full-scale renovation of the existing school down the road.

The topic was addressed during a joint meeting Tuesday night between the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors and the Gloucester School Board that was held in the T.C. Walker Education Center’s auditorium.

John Hutchinson, assistant superintendent of schools, listed a number of recent issues at the 43-year-old building, starting with a broken water pipe and a failure in the sewage system just before Christmas last year.

Then, two weeks before opening day, Hutchinson said one of three major HVAC compressors at the school failed, leaving the exterior roof temperature of the school at 104 degrees and an interior room temperature of 103. 

At that same time, he said a 25-year-old controller in the A-Hall wing of the schoo...

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