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Ready Bag Drive

Gloucester’s Guerrilla Wrestling Association held a Ready Bag Drive in support of the Roc Solid Foundation. The group collected 94 toothbrushes, 130 tubes of toothpaste, 39 decks of cards, 69 bottles of mouthwash, 13 decks of Uno, 10 sticks of deodorant, 20 bottles of body wash, seven hairbrushes, 13 sets of hair ties, five bottles of lotion, 29 thermometers, 20 bottles of shampoo, 17 bottles of conditioner, 12 tubes of ChapStick, and 11 containers of Q-Tips. Founded in 2009, Roc Solid is a pediatric cancer foundation that builds hope for families fighting cancer through their playset and Ready Bag programs. Ready Bags include everything that a family might need for their unexpected hospital stay. Pictured with the collected items are, back row from left, Grayson Bell, Luke Martin, Paisley Scruggs, Makayla Santiago, Jeb Parsons, Sloan Locklin, Caleb Cashman, Parker Scruggs, Dominik Sales, Blake Custer; front row, Liam Valenzuela, Emmit Bell, Nolan Monroe, Park Jenkins, Ryder Speight, ...

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