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RCC students receive nearly $400,000 in scholarships

The Rappahannock Community College Educational Foundation, Inc. hosted its annual President’s Scholarship Recognition Program and Reception on Oct. 12 at RCC’s Glenns campus. There were 293 RCC students who received close to $400,000 in competitive scholarships for the 2021-2022 academic year.
Dr. Rob Gates, President of the RCC EFI Board of Directors, opened the evening by welcoming guests and talking about why he and his wife Beverly established the Gates-Rex Endowed Scholarship.
RCC EFI Executive Director Sarah Pope recognized scholarship donors attending the event with a special recognition to those donors who joined the RCC giving family in 2021. Recently established scholarships include The Elizabeth Spencer Mulholland Endowed Nursing Scholarship, The Elmyra Burch Mitchell Nursing Scholarship and the CAL Scholarship.
Scholarship recipients stood as Dr. David Keel, RCC Dean of Student Development, read their names and the awards that they received. Keynote speaker Avis Hackett-For...

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