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Private school planned at Bohannon

115 YEARS AGOThursday, March 4, 1909from the Mathews Journal

Misses Mabel Foster and Mildred Hancock will conduct a private school at Bohannon when the session closes. Primary, intermediate, higher branches and music taught.

Wm. Miller, Mathews C.H., Va. Notary public, commissioner in chancery and Justice of the Peace. Will go to any part of the county on short notice and very reasonable terms to transact business in this line. Pension claims a specialty.

Notice: Dressmaker, qualified to do all kinds of work at reasonable rates. Apply by phone or letter to Miss Nora Lewis, Hallieford, Va.

110 YEARS AGOThursday, Feb. 26, 1914from the Mathews Journal

It seems as the ground hog is determined to keep up his reputation, much to the discouragement of some of the truckers around Susan who have already put in several barrels of potatoes and planted a lot of peas. It the bad weather continues, some who have been anticipating the purchase of an automobile when their crops are in ...

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