The Mathews Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors held a joint meeting Tuesday night in the historic courthouse to conduct two public hearings on text amendment changes to the zoning ordinance.
The first public hearing was on a zoning text amendment addition. The proposed addition would allow short-term vacation rentals in the Village Mixed Use district. Inns and bed-and-breakfast facilities are already permitted to be located in the zoning district by-right. Currently, short-term vacation rentals are only permitted in the Residential-1, Residential-2 and Rural districts by-right.
The proposed addition was suggested to the commission after planning and zoning staff received two separate requests for short-term vacation and rental permits in the Village Mixed Use district, one at a stand-alone single-family dwelling and another at a second-floor apartment overtop a commercial use.
“I believe that would bring more money to the Court House,” said planner Billy Cook about the propos...
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