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Phillips announces candidacy for Mathews board

Janice Phillips, 74, of New Point, has announced her candidacy for a seat on the Mathews Board of Supervisors in the Nov. 7 election. She is running as an independent.

A Mathews native and graduate of Mathews High School, Phillips said if elected she will work to make sure that Mathews students today have the same opportunities that she had as a student growing up in the county.

“When I went out into the world, I knew I was prepared with a quality public education,” she said. “I want to see that continue for the students here in our community today.”

Ensuring quality schools will help attract young families to the county and make them want to stay, said Phillips, and an increase in young families will lead to greater opportunities for business growth and help create a thriving community.

“I want to do what I can to attract and retain young families so that we can have top-notch schools, emergency services, health care, local businesses, and cultural and recreational opport...

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