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Petsworth principal transferred to Page MS

Petsworth Elementary School principal Cathy Balderson will be the new assistant principal at Page Middle School this fall, according to re-assignments made by the Gloucester County School Board during its June 11 meeting.
Balderson will replace Page assistant principal Raymond Dutton, whose resignation was also accepted by the board during the meeting. His resignation is effective today; Balderson’s appointment is effective July 1.
In other personnel action by the board, Kasi Sellers of Gloucester, was appointed as a teacher at Petsworth, Kameryn Pritchett of Newport News, was appointed as a special education teacher at Page, Nathaniel Peterson of Garrison, North Dakota, was appointed as a math teacher at Page and Rachel Thomas of Gloucester, was appointed as a school counselor at Botetourt Elementary. These appointments are effective Aug. 12.
Also, Leslie Bell-Stanton of Williamsburg, was appointed as a school psychologist, effective Aug. 7. 
The following persons were appo...

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