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Personnel appointments approved in Gloucester

The Gloucester School Board made several personnel appointments during its regular monthly meeting on April 12 at the T.C. Walker Education Center.
Sara Escamilla of Gloucester was appointed to an administration associate position in the operations department, effective April 18.
Among appointments for the 2022-2023 academic year: Cynthia Thompson of Lancaster was appointed as library media specialist at Petsworth Elementary School; Christina Agee of Hayes was appointed to a special education teacher position (school to be determined); Elijah Welcher of Newport News was appointed to a physical education/health teacher position at Peasley Middle School; Lauren Elmore of Gloucester was appointed to a special education teacher position at Abingdon Elementary School, and Jennifer Newhouse of Franklin was appointed to an English teacher position at Gloucester High School.
Abdelaziz Aniba was reassigned from a custodian position at GHS to an assistant custodial foreman position at Page Middl...

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