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Oysters draw Pennsylvania couple to Mathews

The experience of a Pennsylvania couple visiting Mathews County demonstrates how the attraction of local specialties and the tourism business go well together.
Pete and Lenoir Carr of Philadelphia were researching oyster varieties on the internet a couple of months ago when they came across the website of the Williams Wharf Oyster Company in Mathews.
“We like oysters,” said Pete Carr, “and we like getting different types.”
Although they could have ordered the oysters online, the couple said they enjoy spending weekends in small towns, so they decided to plan a trip to Virginia to buy their oysters. They did an internet search for places to stay in Mathews, made reservations at the Callis House Inn on Main Street, and last week, they drove down and spent five days in the county.
After walking around town for a bit the first day, the Carrs decided to go looking for Williams Wharf, using a cell phone to find it. The only place that came up was Davis Creek Marina, a...

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