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Online course on Pocahontas starts June 15

The Pocahontas Project is launching an online education course, called “Pocahontas and the Virginia Indians,” later this month.

The course, which will begin June 15 and run for 10 weeks until Aug. 23, is designed to inform people of all ages around the world on the life, legend and legacy of Pocahontas, a release said.

The course will be organized into 10 weekly segments, and will represent a collection of state, federal and international history and cultural institutions, a Gloucester Parks and Recreation release stated. The course is also expected to offer a summary of the history of Indians in Virginia from thousands of years before the time of Powhatan and Pocahontas through present day.

Student time for the online course will average 90 to 100 minutes each week, including approximately an hour for content and 30 to 40 minutes for homework. Coursework will be accessed through the Gloucester County Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department’s website, with new content availa...

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