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No-interest emergency loans available to Main Street businesses

The Gloucester Main Street Preservation Trust and the Gloucester Revolving Loan Fund announced March 25 the launch of a zero-interest emergency loan program for restaurant, retail, hospitality and personal service businesses along Gloucester’s Main Street.
The purpose of the program will be to provide a quick source of cash flow to help Gloucester Court House businesses bridge the gap between the time the economic impact of COVID-19 began and when a business secures other financial resources, a release said.
“We have heard from many businesses that their first priority beyond the immediate safety needs of their staff and the community is that of keeping their employees working,” said Jenny Crittenden, executive director of the Main Street Preservation Trust. “We’ve had businesses literally pivot to an entirely new model of doing business within a week. It’s unprecedented.”
Dine-in restaurants, for example, are now operating with curbside pick-up and “to go” for the majority of their...

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