The new Gloucester Library Point branch at York River Crossing Shopping Center, Hayes, is scheduled to open at noon Tuesday, library director Diane Rebertus said. A grand opening ceremony is planned at 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 15.
A tour of the new branch Wednesday morning showed the facility looking much more like a library than about a week earlier when no books and little furniture were in place. Now, the previously-vacant shelves have been filled with books—some of them new—branch coordinator Marge Jones said.
The furniture for the computer room has not arrived yet, Jones said, and arrangements are being made for temporary furniture there until the regular seats arrive. The meeting room will not be open for public groups to use until January, Jones said, partly because permanent furniture for that room has not been purchased as a citizen-led fund drive has not raised enough money.
Computers had not been installed by Wednesday morning, Jones said, but were expected...
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