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NAMI warns mental health issues being exacerbated by COVID-19

Society is experiencing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on many levels. Anxiety, stress, depression and panic attacks are just a few effects people may experience.And individuals with mental illness, and their families, are at increased risk of mental health challenges due to the impact of COVID-19, according to the National Association for Mental Illness of Virginia.

Individuals who have never been diagnosed with a mental health condition now face the increased risk of anxiety or other mental health challenges. NAMI Virginia provides information on stress, anxiety, panic attacks and depression to help one determine the differences between these feelings and ways to manage symptoms.
Social distancing has a significant impact on accessing mental health care and medications. In-person mental health services have become scarce. Medical providers and individuals living with a mental illness fear contradicting COVID-19.

Tele-health options fill the in-person services gap but new challenges, including accessibility and isolation, arise as a result of this option. Tele-health is being utilized as never before to treat individuals previously diagnosed with a mental health condition and to address the new cases that continue to rise as a result of COVID-19. Now more than ever, communities are in need of additional mental health support, a NAMI Virginia release stated.

NAMI Virginia offers a helpline (1-888-486-8264), information on what to do in a mental health crisis, online support groups, and other mental health resources to meet the needs of Virginians. Since COVID-19 became a threat to citizens, NAMI Virginia has increased resources and our utilization of technology to serve people affected by mental illness.

NAMI has issued the COVID-19 Resource and Information Guide to address frequently asked questions regarding the intersection between COVID-19 and people affected by mental illness, their caregivers and loved ones.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization. Visit to learn more.