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MHS tennis beats Lancaster 8-1 in season opener

The Mathews High School tennis team started the season strong, crushing the visiting Lancaster Red Devils at home on Monday, 8-1.
The Mathews girls swept singles play, with top seed Faith Lewis beating Lancaster’s Jocelyn Hasson, 8-6; second seed Taylor Wood defeating Sarah McGee, 8-2; third seed Brooklyne Fulford won 8-2; fourth seed Desiree Dixon blanked Chrissy Bowers, 8-0; fifth seed Chelsea Lowe defeated Jenascia Henderson, 8-0; and sixth seed Lily Jarosz won, 8-0, over Mar’lecia Williams.
In doubles play, Wood and Fulford suffered the Lady Blue Devils’ only defeat, falling to Hasson and McGee, 5-8. Also in doubles play, Carter and Dixon won, 8-4, and Lowe and Jarosz won, 8-0.
The MHS tennis team was scheduled to face off against Rappahannock yesterday. On Monday, the girls will host Essex, starting at 4 p.m.

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