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Mathews VA250 Committee holds organizational meeting

Mathews County’s VA250 Committee held its organizational meeting recently, electing officers and adopting bylaws and policies.

Serving as chairman is Fred Lyon, with Sandy Warhol as vice chair, Reed Lawson as secretary, and Joe Syslo, treasurer.

The committee was established to oversee the county’s commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution in cooperation with the statewide event beginning in 2026. Members are appointed by the board of supervisors, with the committee now composed of 14 members. In addition to the officers, the committee also includes Becky Barnhardt, Sharon Frye, Robert Dobson, Tom Karow, Kat Larkin, Martha McCartney, Hunter Owens, John Priest, Dee Russell and Leslie Search.

Lyon said that during its upcoming July meeting, the committee will have a wide-ranging discussion about how to proceed with the celebration—what events to have, how to fund them, and other topics.

“There are a lot of great opportunities,” he said.

Lyon and Wa...

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