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Mathews supervisors to consider parks ordinance

The Mathews County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing Tuesday night to discuss a proposed new ordinance for the regulation of county parks. The hearing will be held during the board’s regular monthly meeting, which begins at 6 p.m. in the historic courthouse.

A draft copy of the proposed three-page ordinance, which was developed by the newly-appointed parks and recreation commission, was shared with supervisors last month. It includes prohibitions against damaging park property, capturing or injuring animals found there, disturbing nests, having unrestrained animals there, riding horses in parks, discharging firearms or other weapons used for high-speed missile projection on park property, leaving trash in parks, and operating vehicles anyplace other than established roadways or parking lots.

If the ordinance is enacted, the public would also be prohibited from operating commercial enterprises on park property, placing signs or advertisements there, or operating any...

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