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Mathews students excel at annual art and crafts show Sunday

Despite the first snowfall of the season, the Mathews County Woman’s Club annual art and crafts show, held on Sunday afternoon at the clubhouse on Route 14, was a well attended affair. The show also included literature entries submitted by students and club members.

Winning entries will be sent to compete in the Lee District Art Show, which will be held on March 3 in Richmond.

The art committee of the Mathews Woman’s Club awards one prize for each school for the one student they feel deserves it. This prize is donated by the Bay School Community Arts Center in the form of a free class or art supplies.

Hans Saunders won the prize at Mathews High School for his wire sculpture. Maddie Brown took the prize for Thomas Hunter Middle School for her sand dollar.

This year, there were no entries from Lee-Jackson Elementary School, as students there were working on a project to decorate the hallways, so that prize recipient will be chosen by the school’s art teacher.

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