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Mathews Rotary grants

The Mathews Rotary Club presented grants recently to several county nonprofit organizations as part of its community service programs. At the presentation were, front row from left, Community Service Committee chair Ron Lambert, grant recipients Alda Barnett from the Mathews High School After Prom Committee, Bernadette La Casse from the Mathews Christmas Store, Jeremy Elliott and Charles Ingram from the Mathews Fireworks Committee, Buzz Lambert from the Mathews Family YMCA, Josie Thorpe from the Mathews Historical Museum; back row, Assistant Fire Chief Steve Ray from the Mathews County Volunteer Fire Department (who also picked up a check for the Mathews Volunteer Rescue Squad), Ricky Wiatt from the Mathews County Little League and Mathews Rotary Club president-elect Jack White. The club has given out more than $10,000 in grants so far this year. In addition to the grants, club members have dedicated many man-hours to projects around the county and surrounding areas including grading a...

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