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Mathews BOS to consider dissolving property line

The Mathews County Board of Supervisors will hold its regular meeting at 6 o’clock today, Thursday, Feb. 15, preceded at 5:30 by a special training session on the State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act.

The regular session’s new business will include a proposal to dissolve the property line that separated the parcel under the Confederate monument from the rest of the Mathews Court Green.

The board voted in 2022 to create a deed carving out 80.97 square feet at the northeast corner of the court green in preparation for possibly transferring the land and the monument on it to a private entity such as the Sons of Confederate Veterans. That transfer did not occur.

The board is also expected to discuss a Davis Creek service agreement with the Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission and a draft amendment to the Mathews Comprehensive Plan related to public access at South Bay Haven Drive, as well as to hear a report on the county’s 2025-2029 capital improvement p...

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