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Lulu Birds Kitchen in Gloucester to change hands

Lulu Birds Kitchen on Main Street, Gloucester, will soon be under new ownership.
Current owners Keyvan and Isabelle Behnam are retiring and handing over the reins to Dave Coleman. Coleman has decades of experience in the restaurant business and plans to use his experience to honor the integrity of what the Behnams have established.
Isabelle Behnam said part of why she and her husband are comfortable with selling the business to Coleman is how their interests align. Both Coleman and Keyvan Behnam have a corporate background in the restaurant business. Both were interested in operating a restaurant out of an older building with history. And both have a high level of attention to detail in the food they serve and in the business they run. She said there was an instant connection between the Benhams and Coleman.
For Coleman, the restaurant’s consistency was one of the alluring aspects of Lulu Birds. He said a lot of the staff have been there for a long time and the restaurant had built a p...

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