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Lucky friends: Mary Elizabeth Setterholm is known for sharing treats from her kitchen

Born and raised in the Naxera area of Gloucester, Mary Elizabeth Setterholm is not cooking as much as she once did; but when it comes to church or social gatherings, when friends or grandchildren come for a visit, Mary Elizabeth is back in her kitchen cooking her time-tested recipes.

Mary Elizabeth says she learned to cook from her mother: “I remember her beating her cake mixtures by hand.” She adds, “My husband Robert, who has passed away, gave me a lot of tips on cooking. He was a great cook. We did a lot of cooking together. My grandson, Robert Henry Hamlin, is a very good cook. He cooks at my house when visiting. We were in hopes he would become a chef.”

Mary Elizabeth is a cook who doesn’t mind changing a recipe until she gets it just right tor her taste, uses her own techniques, cooks everything from scratch, and has created some new ones. She admits, “Most of the time I don’t measure, just going by memory.” But she does have on...

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