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Local Girl Scout among delegation at General Assembly

Cadette Willa Glaspell of Girl Scout Troop 1018 Gloucester was one of a delegation of 20 Girl Scouts from the Colonial Coast Council to visit Virginia’s Capitol in Richmond on Feb. 20 for Virginia Girl Scout Legislative Day.
The girls participating were part of a select group who are on leadership tracks, said a press release. They attended along with staff members and volunteers and had several opportunities to use their voices to share information about their leadership experience with delegates and senators, along with spotlighting local girl award stories and community service projects they have completed.
The GSCCC visitors were recognized in the House of Delegates by Del. Marcia “Cia” Price (D-Newport News), who applauded the courage Girl Scouts exhibit and the differences they make in their communities. Sen. John Cosgrove (R-Chesapeake), a longtime supporter of Girl Scouts, introduced the visitors from the Senate floor.
Afterwards, said the release, the group participated in a l...

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