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Letter: Wittman’s town hall meeting mischaracterized

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
This is a response to Carol Ward’s recent letter to the editor regarding Congressman Rob Wittman’s town hall in Gloucester last year (“Wittman neither listens nor represents,” Jan. 4 Reader’s Write). I also attended the town hall, invited by Wittman’s team, and Carol Ward’s letter contained factual inaccuracies that need to be corrected for the record.
First, the town hall meeting was requested and organized by the Middle Peninsula Circle-Up, a self-described progressive community group, and moderated by Mr. Morgan Moss, a Circle-Up member. Of course, no one invited to the town hall, organized by Circle-Up, supported Rob Wittman or the Republican health care bill because the Circle-Up group is dedicated to “resistance” to all things Republican and President Trump.
The fact that Congressman Wittman rearranged his schedule because he wanted to attend a meeting organized by this Circle-Up progressive organizati...

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