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Letter: Who is next?

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

As more information is revealed about the heartless destruction of aborted children by Planned Parenthood, I wonder who and what is next? Murder appears to be just another habit, but if the life of an innocent is of no importance, how many of the sick and old will be next to conveniently be disposed of?

I also wonder when the leaders of our many churches, regardless of denomination and tradition, who seek to serve God and His commandments, will stand together and publicly call for these atrocities to stop? So many churches make their voice heard this way, standing together for justice, sending missionaries to help others. But when will they stand for life itself, honoring His gift to each of us and put aside the threat of political repercussions and humbly do as Christ did for us? Whatever courage we need, He will provide.

Dawn Dale

Hayes, Va. ...

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