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Letter: What is Wittman’s plan?

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Thank you Rob Wittman for your July 11 email titled, “We can’t afford Medicare for All.” 
Ok, I hear your feelings of “No.” But, the proponents are doing something, rather than just saying “No.” What is your health care plan? 
Having voted multiple times to kill the Affordable Care Act, obviously, you were against that too, even though that would have thrown millions out of access to health care. Did you have a replacement plan then or were you just “against”?
You also voted to eliminate pre-existing conditions coverage, which would have left many ill people without affordable protection and would have forced those who could pay into higher priced insurance pools. Why were you for reducing access and raising prices? What was your plan?
Your email states, “I’m fighting for a system that uses the market to put downward pressure on prices and puts decisions back in patients’ and doct...

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