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Letter: ‘War on Poverty’ on steroids

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
In 1964, nearly 20 percent of Americans were poor and it was considered to be a national disgrace. To counter a liberal campaign to replace him as president, LBJ initiated his “War on Poverty.”
It was like Biden tripling our nation’s debt today with Harris, Sanders or Warren just waiting to get control of our money. If he moves quickly enough, he will seem to be leading.
In LBJ’s State of the Union Address to Congress in 1964, we took up the longest war ever declared or fought by the U.S. Mark 14:7 notwithstanding, our Congress passed the “War on Poverty” bill based on LBJ’s assurances that the U.S. was powerful enough to win the war in Vietnam while simultaneously beating poverty in the U.S.
If you’re poor in this country, what has changed since 1964?
The people in charge don’t believe you can care for yourself any more now than in 1938 when they gave our great-grandparents the “New Deal,” or my generation in 1964 a “Great Society.” We still have the “War on P...

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