Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Vote Democrat if you support unions who are keeping international ships from unloading critical goods for our survival. Vote Democrat if you support the destruction of children at abortion clinics or the border, particularly children of color as their percentage is far higher than average.
A Democrat vote supports communist propaganda which imposes racial, gender and medical chaos and division. We were overwhelmingly energy independent last year at this time. If supporting energy dependence and paying increasingly outrageous prices for auto and home fuel, by all means vote Democrat.
Stay home, however, if you disrespect the hard-fought wars and lives sacrificed for our freedoms. Stay home if you support any government-imposed mandates for any reason, as you will quickly regret it. If you agree parents have no legal rights over their children’s medical and educational responsibilities, then, of course, vote Democrat.
Voters must understand that there never will ...
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