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Letter: Trump has devalued the presidency

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
A recent writer stated, “…I do not recollect ever witnessing the level of ornery contrition directed at a duly-elected president. The level of divisiveness, subterfuge and outright sabotage of a sitting president has exceeded all bounds of decorum, never mind polite discourse.”
Perhaps the writer missed the entire Obama administration. Mr. Obama was considered by many to be a non-citizen, unlawfully elected. There were Tea Partiers screaming in the streets of Washington, D.C. “I want my country back,” as though the election of the first African-American president was a takeover by some foreign entity. The Republican Congress refused to pass any of Mr. Obama’s bills. Then it held hostage an Obama Supreme Court nominee for over a year so that a conservative nominee would be named if a GOP president was elected in 2016. If these actions are not “outright sabotage,” it would be difficult to imagine what one might cal...

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