Editor, Gazette Journal:
At the recent public hearing between the Gloucester Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors concerning CUP20-01, Under the Stars Event Venue (“Farm”), Mr. Winebarger and Mr. Chriscoe brought up the need for a traffic study, which they indicated reflected the concerns of a number of the residents of the community.
As a Harcum resident, I endorse that recommendation. Here the discussion went off track with planners describing the impact of through traffic on Route 198 and other VDOT issues. Our main traffic concern is how do cars exiting the “Farm” impact our ability to get past the stop sign on Harcum Road, Route 678, at the Route 198 intersection? This stop sign is 250 feet past the “Farm” exit. As this intersection clogs, and it surely will, the key question is will this congestion impede the ability of fire and EMS vehicles to enter into Harcum Road to respond to emergencies. Any delay is too long, and not acceptable.
At a minimum, the traffic study shou...
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