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Letter: Today’s witches

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
It appears to me that, since we put everyone into and through our public school system, we have created an incredibly ignorant population in which each individual assumes because he/she was passed on to graduation from grade school, high school, or college, that each is competent to make intelligent decisions.
Yet, as a society, we barely operate at a level any smarter than the Puritans of 1647 who executed Alse “Alice” Young as a witch.
Today’s witches come in many species. Climate deniers. Racists. Anti vaxxers.
Anti maskers. Supporters of the Confederate flag. Supporters of Donald Trump. The Q-anon people. Just plain conservatives. These are just a few.
We are as guilty of ignorant persecution of everyone about us for the slightest niggling transgression of mutating ethical moralities to our 21st century standards, as were the ignorant and intolerant of 1608 Connecticut.
With all the information which we have at our fingertips, we have done nothing to correc...

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