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Letter: Time will tell

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The “Build Back Better” theme is a misnomer. Our ex-President gave President Biden all the tools he needed to take this country to new horizons and a higher level of success. However, his distain and prejudice for Donald Trump has been his undoing. His policies are bringing us to the brink of a major crisis. Telling us Santa Claus is the cause of our shortage of goods is quite revealing of a man in declining mental health.
Chief of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas has allowed millions to cross our borders with devastating consequences to the future of this country. The President’s lack of compassion for the home-grown citizens of this once-proud country and his disregard for their safety and national security is unprecedented. The votes he expects from the millions of illegal migrants are more important to his “wicked” party than the saving of lives from the cartel’s drug operations.
Our country cannot withstand constant assaults, whether it comes from a “m...

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