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Letter: The value of seagrass

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
My, how things have changed. The evidence used by VMRC and its twin, one-eyed sister at Gloucester Point as they tried to put me out of the aquaculture business is almost gone. Tsk, tsk, how could that be?
Why, there is seagrass everywhere, isn’t there? Yes, my dear, but it is not the same kind of grass that comprised the evidence. In fact, widgeon grass has almost completely replaced eelgrass on my lease and elsewhere as well.
Well, so what? What’s the point? VIMS would have us believe that eelgrass is worth $7,643 per acre per year in eco-system services. Eco what? Well, my dear, that means the yiddle cwabbies and fishies have places to do what comes naturally, to flourish. With all that seagrass in the water, now you know why we are so loaded up with fish and crabs.
To quote the Nazi propaganda of WWII, tell a big enough lie often enough and the people will believe it.
George B. DeMarco
Mathews, Va.

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