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Letter: The presidential debate

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Why do we keep spending money on the Green New Deal when the middle class and the poor cannot pay for food? Everything we buy depends on oil. We no longer drill for oil; therefore, our gas prices have gone up and will continue to go up when we must buy oil and natural gas from foreign countries. We are now depleting our gas reserves which we depend on during acts of war. When will these policies change?
Why do we still have an open border when President Biden recently signed an Executive Order, but did not close our border? Our FBI has warned the American people of the possibilities of terrorist attacks on American soil because of the policies we now live under. This issue is of the utmost importance in our next election, along with our economy.
Why do we keep giving money to Ukraine when all they have ever asked for was military equipment to win the war against Russia? Why are we not standing up for Israel and giving them what they need to win the war against ...

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