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Letter: The meaning of the cross

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

I finally finished the columbarium brick wall on the courthouse circle. When I talked with Charlie Kerns about the project a year ago, I mentioned that I would love to put a cross on the wall similar to the one I did a few years earlier at Saint Therese. I told Charlie I would do that part free, because in the past few years the cross has come to mean a great deal to me.

There is no magic in this geometric shape that scares off vampires or exorcises demons. It is simply a representation of the sublime Love of God. Something so great our minds cannot fathom it, but our hearts may be filled with it. There is nothing God could do any more extreme to demonstrate His great, great Love for us.

After 30 years of ignoring God, my sins had piled up to the sky. The forgiveness, mercy, grace and Love that this cross represents has removed the stain and guilt in my life, not to mention the peace, joy, hope, grateful attitude and love that I now possess. I am not a ...

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