Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Only God can make something from nothing. Mere humans haven’t figured out how to do that yet. The government putting everyone on lockdown is going to be a disaster worse than the Great Depression of the ’30s!
The ones in charge who have made this decision will still receive a paycheck, for a while. I think they fail to see the big picture. I believe it is a possibility the great tribulation spoken of by Jesus and the prophets in the Bible has begun with this microscopic virus. Revelation 6:5-6 speaks of a Black horse (one of four) that symbolizes worldwide economic collapse.
If this lockdown continues, we will reach a point of no turning back. In other words, if we try to return to business as usual, it will be too late. Is this virus the judgment of God? Maybe, in part, but I doubt we’ve seen anything yet, according to the Bible’s prediction.
Curious about what will take place? Read the Book of Revelation. Current events are lining up with this ancient prophec...
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